Parents of Princess Diana and the story of their divorce

 Parents of Princess Diana and the story of their divorce

Princess Diana’s mother was born in 1936. Her name was Francis. She was the daughter of a baron and a friend of Elizabeth II. Diana’s relationship with her mother could hardly be called tolerant and senere.

Diana could not forgive her mother for a long time.

Frances and John Spencer got married by their parents’ decision. In the marriage of young people 5 children were born. Soon there was a rift in the family and they divorced. Frances and John were fighting for the custody of their own children.

Diana’s father got married his lover. And Frances met another man. The court order was – the children should stay with Spencer. Thus, Frances left her children with her husband. Years later Diana decided to establish connection with her mother despite the fact that she never understood her decision.

Unwittingly Diana has repeated the fate of Frances. The woman often scolded her daughter and considered her windy. Diana’s mother was not shy in her expressions and could be rude to her daughter in public.

The woman died in 2004 because of Parkinson’s disease.



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