One Single Photo Made a Real Splash On The Net: Julia Roberts Was Heavily Criticized For Looking Terrible And Unrecognizable!

In 2018, Julia Roberts, a beloved Hollywood actress, made a notable decision to join Instagram. Her motivation stemmed partly from her children’s encouragement, who thought it would be exciting for her to engage on the platform.
Similar to Julia, actor John Travolta also found inspiration from his daughter to become more active on social media. While embracing this new digital landscape, Julia aimed to strike a delicate balance between accessibility and privacy, admiring Sarah Jessica Parker’s approach to meaningful online interactions.
To navigate social media with caution, Julia opted for a selective approach. She restricted comments on her posts to only those she followed, a group consisting of approximately 18 individuals at the time.
However, the dark side of social media soon surfaced. Julia encountered harsh criticism after a candid photo with her niece, Emma Roberts, was posted online.
Despite the image capturing a moment of genuine joy, Julia faced disparaging comments about her appearance, an experience that left her feeling vulnerable and wounded.
Reflecting on the incident, Julia recognized the harmful impact such negativity could have, particularly on younger individuals.
She acknowledged the corrosive nature of social media, but also found solace in the supportive messages from users defending her against the onslaught of criticism.
Julia’s inaugural Instagram post, a simple greeting, was met with warmth and affection.
Yet, the episode with her niece underscored the harsh scrutiny faced by public figures, especially women, regarding their personal appearance in the public eye.