One of the twins was born 87 days earlier than her sister. It is interesting what they look like now

The nice couple Maria and Chris were just thrilled learning that they would become parents again and they joy was doubled when they were informed about twins.
The babies were supposed to be born in September and the pair had already chosen their names – Amy and Katie. But something went unplanned and Amy was born in June. This was something unbelievable for the family and doctors.
The tiny creature was only 540g but she could survive by her strong will and power. And then Katie was born in August, 87 days after her sister’s birth. And during that time Ami could gain weight and strength and the two were allowed to go home almost at the same time. However, Ami looked smaller than her sister.
The girls instantly gained the attention of journalists and they also set a new record in Guinness Book of Records. The twins have 2 birthdays and they get presents and congratulation in different days – something that sounds so peculiar and amazing!
As they grow up, they look like each other in appearance but they have completely different characters. Now they are 8 years old and study at school helping each other in everything. They are happy to be together and make their parents’ life wonderful with their presence.
Do you know twins? Can you always tell them apart?