“On Heels and In a Spicy Bikini”: Sharon Stone Showed Off What a 66-Year-Old Woman Should Look Like!

66-year-old woman with gray hair and wrinkles can also be beautiful and desirable,” believes the beauty Sharon Stone. The Hollywood diva, in a lace ensemble, demonstrated how every self-respecting mature woman should look. The actress did not expect that commentators would pour a heap of criticism on her for this photo.
Internet users demanded that Sharon delete this photo and not embarrass herself. “Aging should be dignified. You’re turning into the second Madonna,” “How could she come up with such a thing?” “It’s time for everything, Sharon. You’re not 18 anymore,” “Poor woman. Completely lost touch with reality.”
“Gorgeous woman. Looks great for her age,” “What an unreal beauty,” “I have no words. You are beautiful,” “I’m simply amazed by you. Know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”
“We really need photos of mature women who not only accept but also embrace their aging,” I read under Stone’s photos. And I’m curious to hear your opinion.
What do you think?