Mothers who look the same age as their children and it’s really hard to distinguish them

In the modern world, many adult women take care of themselves no worse than young girls. As a result of this, it is sometimes very difficult to believe that not two girlfriends are standing in front of you, but a mother and daughter. Women began to pay more attention to themselves, their figure and appearance. It seems that many of them are not going to grow old. And it’s just wonderful.
Here is a nice collection of pics where mothers look the same age as their children.
Beautiful W. Williams with her daughter. And she’s already 56
Try to find their mom!
Charming N. Campbell with her daughter. Slender, beautiful and spectacular lady!
It is really confusing to learn who is the mother!
Wait, they are triplets, right?
How charming they are!
Attractive and famous 53-year-old model J. Le Bon with her 28-year-old daughter