Both parents had quite striking appearances, so when the woman became pregnant, everyone was sure their child would be as beautiful as an angel. But after the birth, the family was slightly disappointed, as the baby’s looks were not as endearing as anticipated. Some even maliciously joked that either the mother had been unfaithful, or the child wasn’t theirs at all, given the lack of resemblance.

However, the mother believed that the child’s appearance would improve with time. Despite not looking as adorable as the couple had hoped, the baby remained the greatest joy in their lives.

And it turns out the mother was absolutely right. Just a few years later, the transformation is striking. The little girl now has a beautifully striking face with large, round eyes and high cheekbones. No one can call her unattractive now. Those who had criticized her appearance for years were left astounded. Online users have also expressed surprise at her “blossoming” and now praise her beauty, leaving a plethora of positive comments on her social media.

Over time, things can change, especially facial features. Plus, small children are inherently cute and plump, so no child can truly be called unattractive. Indeed, this is another story of how the ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. The little girl now looks quite stunning and impressive, so her appearance will no longer be a subject of criticism.