“Looks Like a Cartoon Villain”: The Young Mom’s Whole Face Is Covered In Tattoos!

28-year-old Sarah Sinclair from the UK has covered most of her body with tattoos. Recently, the young mother, who is raising a daughter, decided to extend her canvas to her face as well.
A tattoo enthusiast since she was 18, Sarah has progressively pushed the boundaries of body art each year. She has even made permanent tattoos on her face, including the phrases “stand out” and “be original.”
Her face also features her daughter’s name and birthdate, the phrase “love is pain,” and some hearts. A butterfly on her cheek covers an old tattoo of a crying angel.
According to Sarah, she was initially concerned about how her daughter would react to the new tattoos, until she showed her that her face now bears her child’s name and birthdate.
Some users believe that Sarah has gone too far and now looks “like a demon,” with many commentators noting that her appearance after all the transformations resembles a typical villain from children’s cartoons.
Some followers have accused the Brit of deceit. After the recent photos were posted on social media, comments like, “She doesn’t actually look like this, guys! It’s a filter! No sane person would do this to themselves! It’s a filter!” began to appear.In response to these comments, Sarah recorded a video where she first clapped and then said, “For those who say my face is a filter and that I’m making this up—there are no filters, I swear.”
Opinions on social media are divided: while some believe Sarah has gone overboard with fillers and tattoos, others are eager to compliment her.
In an interview with a local publication, Sarah explained that she is not afraid to look different.