“Like Completely Different People”: Photos Of Women Before And After Photoshop Prove That You Can Trust No One On The Net!

In today’s digital age, social media reigns supreme, often accompanied by the widespread use of Photoshop and filters. While minor adjustments to photos may enhance their appeal, drastic alterations that manipulate bodies and faces present a troubling trend with far-reaching consequences. Photoshopped images, which distort reality and promote unattainable standards of beauty, not only deceive but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and insecurities. Women, in particular, are bombarded with idealized portrayals of strangers, leading to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Meanwhile, men are conditioned to expect unrealistic perfection, placing undue pressure on themselves and their partners. Amidst this culture of digital manipulation, it’s crucial to champion authenticity and embrace natural beauty. To illustrate this point, we present 16 women whose photoshopped images were exposed, revealing the extent of digital alteration. Their stories serve as a powerful reminder to love and appreciate oneself, flaws and all. Each individual possesses a unique beauty that transcends societal standards and digital enhancements. By rejecting unrealistic ideals and embracing authenticity, we empower ourselves and others to celebrate our natural selves. Remember: you are beautiful just as you are.
In social media and reality.
Reflection never lies
This photo was posted by her boyfriend. Strange that he edited her waist but didn’t edit his “hobbit” legs. The reflection looks great, why with a figure like that would you edit yourself at all?
On the Internet and in real life
People wrote in the comments that she’s had some plastic surgery since shooting the right photo, but we think her shoulders clearly couldn’t have been reduced.
Nicole Kidman on IG and at the film premiere
The photo on the left was also reportedly timed to coincide with the premiere of the same film. It doesn’t take much of a stretch to notice how different she is in these photos. Despite this difference and digital trickery, the actress still looks good.
Some people in the comments claimed that it was just make-up
They probably did it to justify their own photoshop embellishments of themselves. No make-up can do that to the nose, eyes and lower eyelids.
Shot by a Korean photographer: before and after editing
“It’s actually very common in Korea, in almost all photography services if you have your photo taken by a professional, but it’s especially popular for wedding photos. And in case you didn’t know, photoshop is also widely used in legal documents such as passports and job applications,” one commenter wrote.
Social media vs. reality
The caption to the photoshopped photo reads, “I can cut my hair off, but can you make your face beautiful?” How cheeky and presumptuous. The photos with and without photoshop look like they are mum and daughter. Who is she trying to fool?
When the filter suddenly came off
These screenshots were taken from the girl’s storis when the filter went haywire and disappeared. Her face in the photo on the right says it all.
In the video preview and in the video itself.
For the preview, she made herself 20 years younger! Are her videos so unpopular that she thought no one would include this one?
A German politician and his daughter
The one to watch, of course, is the daughter. Such small, but so insidious changes that significantly alter the appearance, causing many women to complex. Why lie and look like a doll when you can be proud of your natural beauty?
The fascination with filters is getting out of control
We firmly believe that you should be ashamed of such brazen deception. First of all, in front of your relatives, friends and colleagues who know exactly what you really look like.
When in order to correct your appearance you need not only Photoshop, but also filters (photo above with digital tuning and below without).
“This woman is really going overboard with all sorts of filters, but on top of that she’s creating her own reality with some sort of artificial intelligence app. Here she is modelling in New York and a few minutes later she’s hanging out on a yacht in Dubai,” wrote the person who posted the photo.
The friends posted the photos on their accounts
The photo on the left was probably published in the account of the woman in the blue outfit, because her figure in it has been heavily edited. The woman with glasses on her head did not escape retouching either.
In the published photo and during the interview
So much effort to convince strangers that you look a certain way when they will inevitably discover that it’s not even close to being true. It must be a real shame for the effort and time spent.
Retouching that has gone too far
This woman is so infuriating to Web users that her followers to haters ratio is reportedly 1:10.
The former Miss Great Britain…
That moment when you look like you’ve changed races. We also don’t understand what happened to her hair in the right photo, in which she looks a little disturbing. It’s probably all about the complete lack of naturalness.