It is interesting to know what the actors of “Harry Potter” looked like early in their careers

It is just everyone’s “duty” to watch the series “Harry Potter” which has a universal fame. It was an undescribable blow for the world film industry with its multicolored heroes and illustrations. It was a great experience for the audience to reveal the magic world in a new and adorable way. And of course, the cast of the movie had a great role in creating such an exceptional work. There was a collection of actors from the old and young generation who cooperated with each other wonderfully and did their job perfectly. The saw the actors, who played their characters skillfully, and a few of them knew about the solid past of these already famous stars.
S. Snipe – A. Rickman
A. Dumbledore – M. Gambon
M. McGonagall – M. Smith
Lord Voldemort – R. Fiennes
R. Hagrid- R. Coltrane
B. Lestrange – H. Bonham Carter
F. Flitwick ā W. Davis
P. Dursley – F. Shaw
A. Moody ā B. Gleeson
A. Weasley – M. Williams
A. Filch ā D. Bradley