Internet Outrage: A Mother Arranged Marriage For Her “Special” Son with a Healthy Bride!

A mother from Tashkent married her special needs son to a healthy girl, sparking a major scandal online. “I intentionally did not consider a bride with the same condition for my son.
You might call it maternal selfishness,” said Malokhat to the press. “Our daughter-in-law has slight asymmetry in her eyes, which means she didn’t attract a large following. Aziz’s parents requested time to think it over, and then gave their consent to the union of our children. Hakimjon and his wife—”
Proud mother of the special needs man continued, “Aziza herself was also not opposed.”
“This is unfair to the girl,”
“I’m amazed by the bride’s parents. How could they ruin their daughter’s fate like this? Do they not care who she will live with?” “Medieval thinking,” “I wonder if Malokhat married her daughter off to a guy like this?” “How can you dictate your daughter’s fate?” “Eye asymmetry is not an issue in our time, unlike the groom’s health,” “Isn’t this hereditary? Is she aware?”
“Wishing happiness to the newlyweds, it seems this is her destiny,”—are some of the comments users are leaving under the post.