In Childhood They Were Laughed At: Now They Are Successful Models!

Cypriana and Takeina Queen, twin sisters, faced embarrassment about their thick, black, and curly hair from an early age.
Despite the uniqueness and beauty of their Afro hairstyles, classmates’ mockery led the sisters to wear hats and spend hours trying to straighten their hair.
The idea of cutting it short crossed their minds, but their parents discouraged them.
Interestingly, adults admired the girls’ hair, often approaching them on the street to ask about their hair care routine. Modeling agencies noticed them as they got older, opening up unexpected opportunities in the modeling industry.
Despite considering themselves “ugly ducklings,” their unique hair became the key to a successful modeling career.
Nowadays, the sisters carefully maintain their locks, using oils, restorative masks, and special shampoos.
Their nighttime routine involves applying oil mixtures, braiding their hair, and wrapping it in cotton turbans, ensuring their hair remains a cherished part of their identity.