How the woman found a box on the street with an innocent creature in it

One cold December morning, a woman from Yonkers, New York decided to take her dog for a walk. She saw a box on the street. When the dog approached the box, she saw a ginger cat inside. The woman immediately took the cat to a nearby veterinary hospital. Everyone there was amazed at how fast the cat was got used to them.
According to Lisa Winters, director of Little Wanderers NYC, she was a friendly cat who was a little scared.
After all the necessary tests, it was found that the cat had a previous leg injury, but overall he was already fine. The vet team then contacted Little Wanderers NYC to find a family for the cat. Little Wanderers took the cat into their care and called Elf.
Seeing how quickly Elf got used to everyone, Lisa Winters thought he had a family. However, veterinary care is not so readily available, and sometimes people have no other choice.
After a few weeks at Little Wanderers, Elf found a home. Miri and Eleazar adopted him. They renamed Elf Sunkist, after the bright orange soda that matches his fur.
Now memories of the cardboard box are in the past.