How the girl with the “uncombable hair” syndrome looks like now in her 12

Shayla was born on April 22, 2010 in Australia. She was absolutely normal child and no different from the rest of the newborns. A few days after the birth, the baby and her mother were sent home, where for the first four months of her life, none of the family noticed anything unusual.
But Shaila grew up, and fluffy soft hair began to appear on her head. Every day there were more and more of them, and it became more and more difficult to comb them. The girl was laughed at in kindergarten.
By the age of four, Shaila’s mother decided to show the girl to the doctors, as she could no longer cope with her hair at all.
As the examination showed, the girl had a rare genetic feature – the syndrome of “uncombable hair.” The thing is that usually the hair is round or oval in cross section, and Shaila’s hair looked more like a triangle.
Shaila was shy about her hair for a long time, but at about the age of 7 she realized that it made her unique. There are only about a hundred officially registered people with a similar feature in the world, and one of them is Shaila.
The girl began to actively lead social networks, and soon they wrote about her in a magazine. Over the years, the popularity of the baby only grew, as did the number of subscribers on her pages.
Now Shaila Madison is already 12 years old. She is often invited to various talk shows on television and several advertising agencies offer her contracts. The girl is still at school, but plans to become a professional model after graduation.