How the girl, whom her parents refused because of her shortcoming, lives now after 33 years

Very often you can see how people complain about their lives, but they don’t even realize how hard it can be for others. And these others, despite all the difficulties, overcome them and achieve incredible heights. The girl Jennifer Bricker is one of such people. She was born without legs, so it was an unexpected shock for her parents.
They didn’t know what to do and so refused their little baby Jenny for her such a shortcoming. But thankfully, it was not a defect for the caring family who adopted her. The couple was firm to take care of her and wasn’t afraid of the doctors’ diagnosis, who predicted that the child couldn’t even sit without any help.
Jenny’s new parents Sharon and Gerald didn’t considered their baby to be a limited and imperfect person. They grew her like normal individual who didn’t differ from others. But they were extremely careful towards her searching for specialists who would make prostheses for her. But after some failures Jenny eventually refused them.
Maybe for Jenny, the great support and encouragement was the fact that her parents had never highlighted that she was without legs, and she was raised self-confident and even learned to move with the help of her hands. Jennifer was an active, energetic and playful child. She was playing with her friends and feeling herself wonderful.
Soon, Jenny became interested in aerial gymnastics. She really liked the performances of the Olympic champion Dominica Mochanu and over time she became the girl’s idol. She admired what the gymnast was doing, and at home Jennifer even began to repeat her movements after her, gradually learning them. Parents supported the desire of their daughter, and she began to attend to aerial gymnastics.
Already at the age of 11 Jenny was the champion in the state. But that was not the end for the girl. Dominika had motivated her to reach more achievements and be firm in her decision. Jenny felt that something was connecting her with Dominika. And what was the most shocking! The parents later found out that Jenny’s real surname was Mochanu and Dominika was her sister. Do you believe this amazing moment that Jenny experienced? She was literally amazed. She contacted with her and they started to socialize with each other and become best friends.
Since the two sisters reunited, Jennifer’s life changed completely and became more interesting and successful. She was a fantastic gymnast and appeared with many lectures and speeches in different countries. Dominika was extremely proud and confident in her sister. In 2019 Jenny got married and has lived with her beloved man happily since then.
Jennifer is one of the strong and willing people, who has proved that there are no borders if you firmly want to reach your dreams and aims.