How did Michael Jackson perform his famous “anti-gravity tilt” trick?

 How did Michael Jackson perform his famous “anti-gravity tilt” trick?

Michael Jackson has always taken a serious approach to the choreography of his performances. He is the author of many dance moves that have literally conquered the whole world. In addition to his famous “moonwalk”, fans of the performer certainly remember his trick – “anti-gravity tilt”, which was as much as 45 degrees and contradicted all the laws of gravity.

The king of pop first introduced it in 88 in his video for the song Smooth Criminal. Fans were very surprised by the dance moves of the star. Jackson, at one point in the performance, leaned over 45 degrees without bending his body. One of the versions of what was happening was that he was held by cables.

Fans were even more surprised when Michael demonstrated the trick live at one of the concerts, but there were no cables near the singer. How did he do it?

Now this mystery has been solved. Scientists were interested in this trick and they found out that with a normal tilt, only the upper part of the body is actively used, and only the muscle that straightens the spine is activated. During our super workout, all the tension falls on the calves and tendons.

Scientific calculations have shown that it is impossible for any person to perform this movement without specially designed shoes. But even with special shoes and device support, it is very difficult to do the trick. It requires strong athletic training and a lot of practice.

Michael Jackson, together with his creative assistants, created an invention with which he fixed himself on the surface thanks to special shoes.

The trick shoes differed from ordinary shoes only in the thick heel. There were special notches on the heels, which made it possible to catch on the fasteners installed on the stage. This innovation was patented by the pop king in 1993.

The singer delighted his fans with a trick until the 96th year. When Michael came to Russia with a performance, he wanted to perform the trick again, but the structure broke, Michael could not get a foothold on the stage properly and fell.

The broken shoes and the retainer got into the Moscow cafe “Hard Rock Cafe” after the concert and remained there until the death of the performer. Then they were sold at auction for 600 thousand dollars.


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