“He Looked So Lost!” Little Dog Waits Outside Dollar Store Hoping Someone Will Helps Him

For almost a month a little dog named Robbie hid under the plastic chair by the door of the Dollar General in Texas and waited for someone to notice and help him.
Fortunately, Kristin Erwin noticed him, and the minute she saw the chubby-legged dog she knew she couldn’t leave him.
But first Erwin wanted to see if Robbie’s caretaker would show up.
Just as she suspected, they didn’t show up and Robbie needed help.
She immediately contacted Dollar Genera. Trying to win him over with sweets, Erwin soon got the dog to the car.
She took him home where she made sure to create a safe space for the dog,
“He was completely relaxed, eating and resting,” Erwin said.
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Robbie was placed in a caring foster home, where he’ll live until he finds his forever family.