“Has Gained Weight And Is No Longer As Handsome As In Childhood”: The Boy From The Movie “Terminator” Is Simply Unrecognizable!

 “Has Gained Weight And Is No Longer As Handsome As In Childhood”: The Boy From The Movie “Terminator” Is Simply Unrecognizable!

Edward Furlong, the young actor from “Terminator,” is now 46 years old. When the movie became a hit, he became very famous and adored by many girls in the 90s.

However, after his peak in popularity, he vanished from the movie screens and seemed to be forgotten. Recently, a photo of Edward looking drastically different circulated on the Internet, reminding people of his early success in films.

It appears that Edward couldn’t handle the sudden fame he received. He got involved with the wrong crowd and started using drugs, like “angel dust,” as some sources suggest.

When you see recent pictures of him, it’s quite a shock because he has gained a lot of weight and no longer looks like the handsome young man from the famous film.

Could you recognize him?

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