Haircut and Happy: 10 Examples of How a Haircut Changes a Person

If you’ve ever sported lengthy locks, you’re likely to have contemplated giving them the chop. Long hair may get knotted, stick to anything and everything, but how does one muster the courage to say goodbye to something that has taken years to grow? Kristina Katsabina, a stylist from Moscow, firmly believes that it’s a plunge worth taking. Her highly popular blog showcases the transformation of her clients who dared to take the “scissors-be-damned” approach. Spoiler alert: by the time you finish reading this, you’re likely to be mulling over the same decision.
You’ve undoubtedly heard it said, time and again, that a new haircut can be transformative, even unrecognizable in some instances.
So, if you’re mentally prepared for a revamp, why not take the leap with a fresh haircut to witness the transformation firsthand?
Let’s hear it from Christina herself:
“The query I often come across is ‘How do I muster the courage to get a short haircut?’ This query is more frequent than ‘Which haircut would suit me?’
This is understandable. The first step is always to make up your mind. Once that’s done, you can proceed to consider the specifics and finer aspects.
The most frequently asked question is not random. It implies some sort of internal change is prompting the thought of an external one. For instance, a new hairstyle!
There are concrete and mystical reasons for this.
The former can dramatically alter the way you look. The contours of your face, focus on facial and bodily features like eyes, cheekbones, neck, collarbones, etc., undergo a shift.
The mystical reason stems from the belief that hair retains information and experiences, sometimes unpleasant ones. The desire to remove, cut, discard! This includes long hair and the associated negative feelings. In fact, post haircut, 90% of women express feeling lighter, as if a burden has been lifted. I can’t vouch for the accuracy of this sentiment, but it’s hard to deny given the multitude of people claiming that haircuts have transformed their lives.
Hence, in response to the most common question, I’d say if you have indeed undergone internal changes, the urge to modify your appearance will take over. The question will then cease to exist. It will eventually manifest into action – searching for information, haircut styles, the stylist, and so forth. That’s how straightforward it is.
Oh, and let’s not forget the most vital aspect! It’s essential to remain in tune with yourself, to listen to your inner voice, to understand and know yourself better than anyone else in the world!”
The Impact of a Short Haircut on a Woman
A series of pictures can eloquently communicate the transformation a short haircut brings to women of various ages. Have a look and see for yourself!
Isn’t that cool?