Curious and funny situations that happened to Elizabeth II

Many people know Elizabeth II not only as a strict and serious head of state, sometimes the 95-year-old queen amuses those around her. She always has short jokes in her arsenal in case you need to defuse the situation or just cheer someone up.
Despite the planned jokes, funny situations sometimes happen to the queen as well. That is what we are going to tell you about.
The situation with her hat
In 1991, Elizabeth II delivered a speech on the podium. Then she came out immediately after the speech of US President George Bush, who simply forgot to lower the microphone. Since the queen is short, due to the technology standing in front, she was not visible and the audience saw only the bright hat of the head of state.
“Give me a way”
This incident happened when Donald Trump visited London. When they walked, Elizabeth II let the President of the United States pass in front of her, but Donald did not pay attention to which side the queen began to walk from and continually blocked her path. The Queen tried to pass him by in order to get out of this ridiculous situation, but all attempts were not successful.
Unusual wedding guest
A couple from the UK booked the hall to celebrate their wedding. The administration explained to the young people that Elizabeth II would hold an important event in this building. The lovers decided to joke and sent her a wedding invitation. And what was their surprise when the queen accepted this invitation and personally congratulated them on such an important event in their lives.
“Have you ever seen Elizabeth II?”
Sometimes the queen takes off her bright outfits and hats, ties an inconspicuous scarf around her head and just walks along the street. So once when Elizabeth II was not in royal attire, she met a group of tourists from America who asked if she was local. The queen replied that her house was not far away. Then curious tourists asked her if she had ever seen Elizabeth II. To which the queen replied: “I don’t, but my companion saw her,” and pointed to her bodyguard.
Laughter prolongs life
A documentary about the Queen’s life was filmed a year ago. On this occasion, she gave an interview to the presenter. Just at that moment, there was a roar of a helicopter that flew over their heads. “And why do they fly by just when you are talking? – was the most popular question. This helicopter makes noise just like President Trump or President Obama,” the head of state said.
Being 95 years old, the Queen still amazes her people with her ability to make a witty comment that makes everyone laugh.