Choose the Right Angle: Prepare to Be Surprised by the Funniest Photos!

 Choose the Right Angle: Prepare to Be Surprised by the Funniest Photos!

The capabilities of modern photographic equipment, from cameras built into mobile phones to the most advanced products for professionals, allow most of us not to think about concepts such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, etc., which “film” photographers used to deal with. But when it comes to the angle, there’s no way around it! If you see the picture as it will appear in the photo, that’s great, but it’s even better if you successfully adjust the shooting angle, background, and other important “details” that can make a photo a true work of art. Let’s take a look at some original angles that made the authors of these photos famous.

With a drone, if skillfully controlled, you can photograph more than just a general view. Even pets can help create an original shot.

Radar from below is a true world of fantasy!

This shot was probably taken by a Lilliputian…

Feline determination has always been beyond competition!

Where are the rest of the walls?…

The hero should probably wonder what’s on the other side of the curb?

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