Brazilian plus-size charming woman proves that ballet isn’t just for skinny girls

When you think of ballet dancers, the image of a girl like Giulia Del Bianco hardly comes to mind. This is sad. In the view of most people, a ballerina is a fragile inch girl of ideal proportions. Well, if the weight of the charmer exceeds the allowable limit, you can confidently put an end to your career.
Luckily, 33-year-old Julia from Brazil found the strength to break the stereotypes and make all her dreams come true. By her example, she proves that the weight of talent is not a hindrance.
Giulia was born in Limeira, São Paulo, where she was fond of ballet from an early age. As a 6-year-old child, Del Bianco took part in her debut performance. Then she first encountered complexes.
The girl recalls how, after the performance, the girls looked at photographs and compared themselves with each other. At that moment, for the first time, she felt fat.
Despite criticism, Del Bianco did not quit ballet. Over the years, the young ballerina got better and better. As a teenager, Julia faced outright body shaming. The teachers insisted that a chubby dancer had no place in the dance hall. Many advised her to look for another occupation. Julia admits that in those days she hated herself. The girl was saddened by the fact that her clothes are larger than those of other members of the group. And in general, too big for a teenager.
However, Julia didn’t let physicality stop her from getting her way. Today, she not only performs regularly with solo numbers as part of the program of the theater Studio de Dança Daniela Alonso, but also teaches others the art of dance with pleasure. She usually conducts master classes in the hall, but in the context of the pandemic, she had to switch to online mode.
By the way, she has official confirmation of the successful completion of training in the specialty “ballet teacher”. However, her baggage of knowledge is not limited to pointe shoes and a pack. So, Del Bianco also mastered modern jazz and modern dances.
Over time, local designers noticed the beauty. Julia began to be invited as a plus-size model to various fashion shows. In the meantime, the charmer actively maintains her page on Instagram, where she publishes useful workout videos.