At 70, you can surely be stylish: a pensioner has become a model of style, forgetting about stereotypes

Helga Lux from Germany recently celebrated her 70th birthday. But despite her age, she is not going to adhere to any stereotypes about clothes. Lux transformed so much that she was recognized as one of the most elegant women in Europe for her stylish casual wear.
Helga is active on social networks and often publishes various pictures on her personal blog. She admits that she carefully thinks through every image, both clothes and jewelry.
The woman added that the selection of her outfits depends on both her mood and weather conditions. She often likes daring and bold images, such as leopard print. Lux runs also a healthy lifestyle and adores sport. She especially likes to play tennis.
The cute lady chooses her looks in bright colors as she doesn’t think that grandmothers have to be in dark clothes. She likes black but she picks it so that it looks elegant and nice. She really values herself and knows how to be self-confident and lovable.