An unbelievable moment of the gorilla bringing her baby to meet a human mother and her child

When we speak about the mother’s love and care, it is endless in the case of human and animal. The both sides have true feelings towards their babies. And this amazing case will definately prove it.
Once Emmelina Austin visited the Franklin Park Zoo with her husband and newborn son. They were enjoying their day and stopped by the gorilla’s enclosure to watch for some moments. And it was that very time that the mother gorilla named Kiki came close to the wall with her little baby in her hands.
And at that moment more interesting and touching thing happened! The woman lifted her son to watch the animals when suddenly gorilla picked her child up to introduce him to the family looking at them. The meeteing of the 4 was really warming and touching.
The two mothers began to speack to each other with movements and their own language for some moments cuddling their babies. They were so close to each other, and the scene was truely amazing. Emmelina and her husband were in tears. They were deeply touched by such a welcome by the animal who also had a kind heart and maternal instincts.
This moments were unforgettable for the couple who will surelly tell their son about the lovely meeting.