Albino sisters from Kazakhstan are a real miracle!

The Kalaganov family lives in Kazakhstan, they have three beautiful children. The family has recently become very popular, thanks to the youngest daughter, Camila, who was born with albinism.
The most interesting thing is that the eldest daughter, Alesya, also has the same diagnosis, but the middle son Aldiyar looks quite ordinary. These girls are the only albinos in the whole country.
The mother of the family says that when the eldest Alesya was born, the doctors and the relatives were in shock, and with the birth of Camila, they all gained popularity.
Alesya herself was also very surprised that her sister was also born with albinism. For a long time she had complexes because of her appearance, but over time she realized that she was unique and accepted herself the way she is.
The girls had an account on social networks, where they already have more than 30 thousand subscribers.
Alesya has recently graduated from modeling school, and she already has a lot of invitations to shootings and shows. Her younger sister also participates in shootings.