A newborn rhino and a cat formed a special friendship that helped the orphaned rhino cope with the death of her mother

An orphaned rhinoceros cub named Jamila was adopted by Jamie Traynor, an employee at a rhino shelter.

The poor rhinoceros was so scared and puzzled since she saw the poacher attack.

Unfortunately, her mother was the victim of this heinous act. Luckily, the young rhino was rescued in time and ended up at the Rhino Orphanage.

She was in poor mental health, so the staff bandaged her eyes and put earplugs in her ears to relieve her stress.

She was greatly affected by her mother’s death; besides being terrified, she also felt insecure.

But thanks to Jamie’s efforts and attention, Jamila quickly recovered. She seems to believe in people.

Jamie took care of orphaned rhinos throughout her stay.

However, Jamila was her dearest child and desperately needed her support and love to get away from what had happened to her and her mother.

She was constantly by Jamie’s side, as well as her adorable cat Mewy, who also tried to help the young rhinoceros.

Mui accompanied Jamie and Jamila on a walk when the cat was nearby and they were all asleep.

Muey paid Jamila a lot of attention, and she answered him the same. As a result, the unique friendship between them quickly developed and grew.

It was really strange to see a rhinoceros and a cat together. But the hearts of all won their sincere love for each other.

Sometimes cats surprise us with their unexpected love and care for people in need, like this loving cat Mewy, who helped his companion through the grief of her loss.

If you want to know more about the incredible bond between this lovely couple, check out the video below.

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