A Girl From The Presidential Family Turned a “Rough Boy From The Village” Into a Star: But He Cheated On Her With a Maid!

A Kennedy clan heiress transformed the “rough country guy” into a governor by leveraging all her connections, while Arnold Schwarzenegger betrayed the beauty with a plain maid.
For a decade, Schwarzenegger carried on an affair with a servant right in his marital bed, and his aristocratic wife seemed unfazed. The birth of Arnold’s son with the maid crushed Maria’s pride once and for all. What does Arnold’s son from the common woman look like now? “It’s better to be born happy than beautiful,”
“If everything’s fine in a marriage, a husband doesn’t look at the maid,” “The problem lies with the wife. A good wife keeps her husband faithful,” “They made a beautiful couple. It’s a shame,” “How could he trade a stunning wife for this Miss Broom?”
“Why didn’t he marry the mother of his son?” — these are the comments users are leaving online beneath photos of Arnold and his beloved women.