A dark-skinned woman with blue eyes became a mother 2 babies who have really unique appearance

 A dark-skinned woman with blue eyes became a mother 2 babies who have really unique appearance

Risikat was born in western Nigeria. When the parents first saw their dark-skinned daughter with bright blue eyes, they were worried about her health, but the baby turned out to be completely healthy. Since childhood, Risikat has been in the in the center of attention because of her unusual appearance. Many guys courted the blue-eyed beauty, but her choice fell on Abdul Oma-Dada.

The woman married Abdul at the age of 22. She really hoped that their children would get the color of her eyes. Some times later, a girl was born. Parents realized that the peculiarity of the mother was transferred to the baby. She, too, looked at the world with bright blue eyes.

As a result, the girl became a local celebrity, and Risikat and Abdul thought about another child. But this time, they would prefer the ordinary color of the eyes to the child. But the mother’s genes took their role again. The second daughter of the spouses also had blue eyes. Abdul decided not to share this feature in order to avoid a second wave of popularity. Therefore, the girl was not even shown to her relatives until she was 5 months old.

A local photographer captured the woman and her blue-eyed daughters in a photo that quickly spread around the world. The photographs quickly made the unusual family famous. Now many girls are predicting the careers of models or actresses for girls. But everything has its time.

Now the girls are growing and feel the support of the fans, whose number is growing day by day. They are confident that they can succeed in life. We hope that this will happen!

Do you like the daughters of Abdul and Risikat? Do you think they have a chance to become famous?

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