A Black Guy Gives Up His Seat for a Pregnant Woman, But an Elderly Lady Takes It Instead: His Response Leaves the Entire Bus Laughing!

This story once again proves that there are more kind people in the world, and that rude individuals need to be put in their place. And if you can do it with a sense of humor, your actions will become a shining example for others. There are those types of grandmothers who will squeeze into any gap, chase after a bus, and even step over others just to secure a seat on public transport. They constantly complain about their health, yet can run faster than a sprinter. Long queues at clinics are made up of them, as they frequent these places like a job, annoying doctors with their non-existent ailments. They crowd into public transport early in the morning, elbowing others and complaining loudly. While age should be respected, rudeness cannot be ignored!
Belgrade. Bus No. 16, rush hour. Everyone is hurrying home from work, and the bus is packed. One of the passengers sitting comfortably is an African American man. At a stop, a pregnant woman with heavy bags and an elderly lady board the bus. The man immediately stands up and offers his seat to the woman. At that moment, the elderly lady pushes the pregnant woman aside and quickly grabs the seat. She looks as if she’s won the lottery! The pregnant woman sighs and shifts the heavy bags to her other hand.
The man, a bit taken aback, decides to address the elderly lady’s mistake: “Excuse me, but I offered this seat to her because she’s pregnant and looks tired. I don’t think anything bad will happen to you if you stand for a few stops.”
The man is clearly offended by this remark, particularly the rude reference to his racial background, but he remains extremely polite in his response: “I don’t know what tribe you’re from, ma’am, but in mine, we eat grandmothers like you for dinner!” The reaction on the bus was indescribable… The elderly lady turned beet red but remained silent as a mouse. At the next stop, she darted out of the bus like a bullet.