Look how celebrities 50+ look like without make up!

 Look how celebrities 50+ look like without make up!

You may not recognize some celebrities If you see their photos without Photoshop. On screens and magazine covers, they always look great. All this is thanks to good beauticians, training and the right lifestyle. But of course they cannot do without cosmetics, as well as photo editors. That is why we see ideal stars and wish to be just like them.

Many celebrities, especially those who are over 50 years old, almost never go out without make up. They usually choose their outfits carefully and always cover their faces with dark glasses and wide-brimmed hats even when they just go for a walk.

But some paparazzi still manage to photograph celebrities in their natural form. Let’s look at the pictures of the stars and compare them with and without make up.

Uma Thurman does not need to hide from fans or journalists. Many people do not recognize her if they see her on the street. She even has a completely different face shape, thin eyelashes and a second chin. But there is nothing to judge her for: she is already 50 years old.

Now let’s look at the photos of 52-year-old Celine Dion. She recently surprised everyone at Fashion Week with both her outfits and her young boyfriend. Some even criticized the star for her skinny figure.

This is what Sandra Bullock looks like at her 54.

Madonna is already 62 years old.

Kylie Minogue is 52 and she isn’t that bad.

You can definitely see signs of aging on the face of Sharon Stone, she is 62 years old.

Demi Moore is 58 and she looks very tired.

Look at Naomi Watts. She is now 52 years old. What do you think about her appearance?

Despite the fact that Julianne Moore is 60 years old she is amazing as always.

Pamela Anderson is 53 years old.

Salma Hayek is 54, and she keeps herself in a good shape.

Here’s Halle Berry. She is 54.


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