50 years soul to soul: a married couple celebrated the “Golden Wedding”, exactly repeating the pictures from their wedding

 50 years soul to soul: a married couple celebrated the “Golden Wedding”, exactly repeating the pictures from their wedding

The story we are going to tell you today is like a fairy tale. This is exactly the case when “… they got married and lived happily ever after …”.

Today we will prove to you that this happens not only in a fairy tale, but also in real life. Carolyn and Kell Gay from the USA have been together for 50 years and they decided to celebrate their anniversary in a very sweet and touching way.

The couple dressed in their wedding attire, which they kept all this time, and repeated the photographs of their wedding that were taken 50 years ago.

Carolyn, like a real woman, was very happy about the fact that her wedding dress easily fit into her after so many years. She always dreamed of wearing her wedding dress again and reliving the feelings that she experienced on her wedding day 50 years ago.

To recreate their wedding photos, the couple went to the same church where their wedding took place. And thanks to a professional photographer, they exactly repeated the poses and angles of the old pictures.

But most of all, users were touched by the fact that even 50 years later, Carolyn and Kelly look at each other with the same loving eyes full of admiration and awe.

May all couples keep their love for so many years and do not forget about the oath given before the altar.

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