“I haven’t had a haircut for almost 30 years”: people around the wolrd are surprised by the beauty of the Ukrainian Rapunzel

 “I haven’t had a haircut for almost 30 years”: people around the wolrd are surprised by the beauty of the Ukrainian Rapunzel

Most beautiful girls want chic and long hair. However, not everyone has the patience to grow them. But this cannot be stated about Alla Perkova, a resident of Ukraine, who hasn’t cut her hair for the past 30 years.

Now she is already 38. The height of the girl is 63 ins, and her hair has already grown 3 ins more. The last time the beauty cut her hair a little was when she was 12.

She doesn’t use any special care to keep the lushness of her hair. The beauty says she washes her hair every two days, and then dries with a hairdryer for about 2 hours.

Moreover, Alla gives advice to all girls who want to have beautiful hair. She is sure that you need to stop being nervous and it is advisable to give up harmful chemicals.

By the way, western representatives have repeatedly offered her various cooperations and participation in advertising for her incrdeible beauty. And we wish she will get fame due to her nice hair and appearnace.

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