The street cat supported her lovely friend who was waiting for his owners to return

 The street cat supported her lovely friend who was waiting for his owners to return

These incredible pics will show you what means a real love and care to the one who needs our help and support. And believe, that animals can also feel such great emotions and express them in a unique way.

The little pup was spotted wandering in the streets for a long time. His owners were old people who couldn’t care for themselves. And when they moved to a senior care center they were forced to leave their pet behind. And so the poor creature left alone and helpless. However, the faithful dog was waiting patiently for his owners to return.

The local people were offering him food and water and were always attentive to him. But one amazing scene was captured which touched them deeply. They noticed a tiny kitten approaching the miserable dog and suggesting her support and warmth. The lovely kitten put her paws on the dog’s shoulders as if saying that everything would be wonderful. The nice puppy was so happy that he found the one who was so kind to him and was encouraging him. He treated her so gently and friendly.

When the neighbors spottes that the two were together and were comforting each other warmly they even built a small house for them. The two amazing souls were really joyful being together and they were hugging each other when sleeping to be warm and comforted. Maybe they understood that they both had the same fate and so they created a strong bond.

People were feeding them and treating them attentively, but they thought that the cute animals wouldn’t survive in the approaching winter so they called a local rescue center and asked for help. And the caring staff arrived to take them. The vet checked them and thankfully they didn’t have any serious problem. So they will stay at the shelter untill they find their forever homes. Now they enjoy the time being together and comforting each other and being surrounded by kind and loving people.

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