Sweetest Corgi Spots Man in Airport and Immediately Recognizes the Need For Comfort

 Sweetest Corgi Spots Man in Airport and Immediately Recognizes the Need For Comfort

Before her eighth birthday, Cora was taken from her prior family several years ago. Throughout her life, she had given birth to innumerable litters, but her last litter only contained one healthy puppy. She had a lot of health problems and had never fully felt what it was to be loved, but no one would ever know it because of all the love she has to give.

When Madison Palm realized she would never be able to let the adorable little dog go, she decided to adopt Cora instead of sticking to her original intention to just foster her. Despite everything she has gone through, Cora has such a wonderful temperament and is so eager to meet everyone she meets that her mother decided to get her trained as a therapy dog.

“Palm told The Dodo that Cora has a fantastic personality and that she is a lover. She always stands close to me and keeps an eye on me when she’s not there. She chooses the nearest lap to sit on if I’m not around and nudges your hand if you aren’t touching her constantly. The first thing people typically comment about her is how sweet she is. Her amiable disposition is always observed.”

When the sweet corgi is out and about, she enjoys approaching random people to say hello. She reasoned that Cora wouldn’t mind if there were lots of new people to meet when she and her mom were recently stranded in an airport while traveling. However, it turned out that there was a passenger that day who needed Cora’s love more than anything.

“Cora simply made her way around the small seating area we had and said hello to everyone who passed by or was seated close to us, according to Palm. She was dozing off when I temporarily let go of her leash to unwind and enjoy a snack; at that moment, she woke up and crept close to him. She was already being pampered at his feet before I could even summon her.”

When she approached him about it, he made it very obvious that Cora wasn’t troubling him in the least. Palm watched from a distance, concerned that Cora could be bothering the weary traveler.

“When I asked him if she was troubling him, he responded, “No, no; I lost my dog last night,” with a gloomy countenance and watery eyes. He whispered how adorable she was while scratching behind her ears and patting her on the back. She sat in front of him, facing him, and remained still as he shot a picture with his phone.”

Somehow, Cora had the impression that she was most needed by the man she met that day at the airport. Cora had a gift for love and compassion despite having spent most of her life being neglected, and she was able to give the man some solace after he lost his own furry friend.

“She is aware of those who are in need and those who are hurting. That is something I’ve never questioned,” Palm remarked. “She continually astounds me, and I say this. That would have thought that a dog who had been abandoned for seven and a half years could still be so loving?”

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