The amazing and adventurous life of the tallest woman in the world

 The amazing and adventurous life of the tallest woman in the world

Rumeisa Gelgi is the tallest woman in the world. The 25 years old woman has a unique and rare genetic mutation which makes body grow quickly dicreasing one’s mobilty. The poor baby had undergone some surgeries before the age of 5. And since then she could walk only with the help of the walker.

In 2014, Rumeisa was given the title of “The tallest living teenage girl in the world.” At 17, her height was 213.6 cm. Over the years, the girl has grown a little more. In 2021, her height reached 215.16 cm. Then she rightfully won the title of “The tallest living woman.”

Due to her height and health, Rumeisa uses a wheelchair most of the time. Nevertheless, she is determined and sees her future only in bright colors. In her words, we should accept ourselves the way we are and make our disadvantage become advantage. We must learn our potential sources and use them for our aims and dreams.

Nothing stopped Rumeisa to fulfill her dream. Not being able to go to school, the girl completed her studies at home. She always wished to work in the tech industry, so she started learning web development. Now Rumeisa is a self-taught front-end developer. In addition, she is a lawyer and researcher. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, shopping, travelling new places and hugging her cat.

She is a great support and inspiration for those who have some complexes. She teach everyone to be self-confident and proud of what they have and what they can reach.

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