A miraculous reunation of the cat and her onwer after 10 years of parting

 A miraculous reunation of the cat and her onwer after 10 years of parting

Here is an incredible story of a nice cat reuniting with her owner after long years. It will really touch your heart.

Susan Moore adopted the little kitten Harriet and took her to her country home in California. But the nice kitten became ill and weak and was almost to die. Thankfully, her adorable woman did her best to save her life. After being checked by the vet and getting proper care Harriet soon recovered.

But the troubles didn’t end with that. Harriet went missing unexpectedly and there was no news about her. Susan searched for everywhere possible but all in vain. The woman lost her hope to find her fluffy pet again. She thought Harriet might be eaten by coyotes. Susan was devastated and really depressed.

But after about a decade, a miracle happened. The woman got a call from an animal shelter in Idaho and was informed that they found her nice cat. Susan was speechless. She couldn’t believe that she would see her lovely friend again. It was shocking for her that Harriet was about 1,000 miles away from her and she was alive.

It was unknown how the beautiful animal appeared so far from her home but after 10 years she was found due to the microchip she had and Susan was really thrilled by the idea she would meet her cute pet again.

Susan was worried that the cat wouldn’t remember her but their bond was truely strong and Harriet didn’t forget his loving owner. Their miraculous reunation was so emotional and heartwarming.

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