Some willing people who did their best to change and their progress shows all this wonderful result

 Some willing people who did their best to change and their progress shows all this wonderful result

Change can be achieved in a variety of ways. Some prefer to influence their environment, trying to ensure that those who are close to them change, while other people believe that it is more logical to change yourself and then the world around you will adjust to your needs. Today we want to tell you about those stubborn people of the Universe who decided that it was time to change themselves, their habits and achieve more in order to live their best life. And they did it!

She lost 54 kg in 18 months

She never thought she could wear this outfit in public! A lot of effort and minus 55 kg

Exactly 4 years ago, he would never have thought that he could achieve such a result. It was an exciting journey!

Lost 113kg in 4 years and is happier and healthier than ever

The difference between these photos is 6 years, and they only become better

After losing 125 kg in 2 years, he can’t even recognize his former self

Now he weighs less than at 20, and now he can buy clothes in ordinary stores

He lost 45 kg during the quarantine and was able to get in shape.

This means a complete transformation

Sometimes she still doesn’t recognize any of the versions of herself.

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