The duck costume relieves the goat’s anxiety
Polly, a lovely goat, was constantly feeling anxious until one day, her owner bought her a duck suit, which dramatically altered the goat’s life! The unfortunate animal is terribly underweight, blind, and has psychological issues. Little did the goat’s owner realize that the kid’s section duck costume she bought would assist her goat’s transition from nervous and worried to relaxed and joyful! Polly calms down right away whenever the owner puts it on her.
Previously, if Polly couldn’t find her parent, she would be furiously rushing about and whimpering. In the home, she would discover a wall corner and begin chewing it. It spoiled the whole view of the house.
Fortunately, due to the magic outfit, Polly is happy again, and the sad days are over. The duck suit, for some reason, calms her. She only needs to close her eyes to appear somewhere else.