A reunion after 70 years. What an incident!

 A reunion after 70 years. What an incident!

Having been separated for about 70 years, Nora and Eileen suddenly met each other in a nursing home.

Even though they were not young enough, they were very thrilled to be reunited.

They started telling each other old memories from their younger ages. Many people dream about getting old together as friends, and these people are just making their dream come true.

After so much time apart, they were finally together.

They have been best friends at school. But after that, they did not keep in touch and completely lost connection.

Once, Gill appeared in a care home and recognized a familiar face.

It appeared her good old friend from school that she was trying to find.

At first, there was a little confusion as they were not sure that they were right in their assumptions. However, after asking each other’s names, they were the happiest old ladies in the care home.

The old women are so thrilled about this incident. Now they can spend their time discussing the good old days of school years.

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