The poor dog, who had fallen into a deep drain, gained a second chance to live properly

 The poor dog, who had fallen into a deep drain, gained a second chance to live properly

Michael Vargas, an urban explorer, tries to discover all the forgotten places of his town and make wonderful documentaries. And once he was with his companions exploring a cannal near his house when a heartbreaking case happened to them. They noticed a poor dog trapped in a deep storm drain being lonely and helpless.

Michael realized that he had to act quickly. The group was deeply touched by the scene and they knew they couldn’t leave the miserable creature there. It took over an hour to get his trust as the poor dog was so frightened and confused. It was unknown how the sweet animal appeared in that drain and how long he had been there but he surely wouldn’t survive if wasn’t be found. Michael not only saved him but gave him a second chance to live happily.

The man took him immediately to the vet where the nice animal was checked thoroughly. The sweet creature had some problems and needed a proper treatment. So Michael was ready to take the responsibility of looking after him attentively. And meantime, he tried to find his owners who might be looking for the poor dog but all in vain.

Michael decided to adopt the wonderful animal by himself and and named him Rusty. They became so attached and loved each other. It was a great pleasure for the man to save one’s life and get such affection and respect in return.

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