The lovely therapy dog has her wonderful pic in the school’s yearbook

 The lovely therapy dog has her wonderful pic in the school’s yearbook

The students of the Goshen Middle school got excited when the picture day came. Everyone was dressed in a beautiful and fascinating way to have amazing pics in the school yearbook. But one respected member was the most joyful and waited for that special day enthusiastically. It was Meg, the therapy dog at school. She made a nice pose while being photographed and the result was awesome. Meg was the star of the school.

Meg is a specialized dog to porvide physical, social and emotional support to those needed. She lived with Kelly DeNu, one of the teachers, who notices the huge impact the dog leaves to the students and other workers who need her encouragement. She calms them down and brings everyone smile. Nowdays children need extra care and support and at this school they have found a great resource in Meg.

Meg is highly cheerful, trained and skilfull personality. She knows how to deal with different cases. She is a real master of her job. When she isn’t at school, she loves to spend her time with her mistress, walk and play with her.

DeNu is really happy and pleased that her amazing dog has the ability to pacify the school community and make them feel rested and joyful. And for Meg her profession is the best and she always waits to meet her lovely patients. What an imcredible creature!

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