The sweet dog with a peculiar appearance finally found his lovely human

 The sweet dog with a peculiar appearance finally found his lovely human

Don Pepe was rescued by an animal shelter staff. He was abandoned and lonely in the street and so he was saved by that kind people. He quickly got used to his new surroundings and everyone was sure he would soon be adopted. But no one wanted to take him because of his one peculiar feature: his tongue was out of his mouth as he had only 2 teeth and he couldn’t keep his long tongue in his mouth.

Such strange feature gave the nice pup an extraordinary look which was neglected by people who didn’t appreciate him. But one kind woman named Khaya Castagnoli, noticed him and fell in love with him. So she decided to adop him very soom.

Now Don Pepe lives with his adorable mom who loves him in the way he is. It is evident that he can’t control his tongue as it is always out of the mouth. And this seems extremely funny and amusing. Sometimes he rolles it around and it seems difficult for him to eat something. But he still finds way to deal with it.

Don Pepe makes people smile and be happy. They often approach him and want to touch his tongue. Some don’t perceive him to be a dog, they think he is an unusual creature they haven’t seen ever. But Khaya is so glad and joyful to meet him and have such a wonderful pet.

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