The huge 23 years old bear lives with his adorable owners like their nice pet

 The huge 23 years old bear lives with his adorable owners like their nice pet

The most typical and common pets are considered to be cats and dogs. But there are adventurous people who like some unusual things. They prefer extraordinary pets, as this amazing couple.

The nice pair keeps a giant fantastic bear named Stephan. He was adopted by Yuri and Svetlana when he was just 4 months old cub. He would hardly survive if this amazing couple didn’t take him and look after him. They put all their love and efforts to nurse the little creature and provide him with everything he needed. They gave Stephan a second chance to live properly.

Now Stephan is 23 years old and he has become a huge loving bear. He is really soft-hearted and kind individual. He love to socialize with other people and animals. Though it would seem so dangerous and frightening to be with him, his owners asure that he never harms anyone.

Stephan adores to spend his time with his caring masters with whom he plays, waters the plants, even watches TV and drinks tea. The couple do their best for the majestic animal not to feel lonely or sad.

Stephan lives in a fantastic family being protected and comfortable. He is truely joyful and glad to be with them.

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