9 Unusual, Strange, and Even Creepy Photos of Brides You’ll Definitely Want to Revisit!

 9 Unusual, Strange, and Even Creepy Photos of Brides You’ll Definitely Want to Revisit!

Love is a powerful force that knows no limits. We often have dreams of our ideal partner, but reality is often different. We love not for something, but despite everything. Here are some unusual brides:

 The Joker

Honestly, I think this guy is joking. He’s dressed in a wedding gown, holding a bouquet, wearing makeup, and taking playful photos. If not, and this is actually a girl with high levels of male hormones, I apologize. In any case, not everyone would walk down the aisle with such a lady. Interestingly, I found a photo online of this bride holding a baby—so she is indeed a girl (scroll through the gallery).

 Nightmare on Lenin Street

I suspect it’s Halloween, and someone just did the makeup of a dead clown bride, found a vintage wedding dress, and decided to prank the neighbors. Another theory is that this bride is searching for her rogue groom who stood her up. Imagine: she’s waiting at the registry office, and suddenly receives a text: “Sorry, I’m not marrying you.”She cries, heads to a bar, drowns her sorrows in alcohol, and then applies battle makeup and goes out for revenge for her sullied honor.

 Someone Likes Their Cakes

I don’t want to say anything bad about this girl. Yes, she’s a bit on the bigger side, but that’s easily fixable.However, the terrified look on her face as she eats that slice of cake makes me smile. Plus, looking at the enamored groom beaming with happiness, I want to remind you: dear ladies, happiness isn’t measured in kilograms. People fall in love with all types of girls, and it’s a misconception that if you weigh like Thumbelina, you’ll have a line of suitors waiting to take you to the altar.Love comes in all shapes and sizes. As my grandmother used to say, “There’s a buyer for every product.”

 The Empress and Her Favorite

Once again, I don’t want to offend anyone, but this couple truly looks odd. I understand that love is blind, that feelings can’t be commanded. But here, the groom is so small and skinny, and his smile seems forced. Sweet boy, blink twice if you were dragged to the registry office against your will.

A Wedding That Isn’t Needed

A wedding is a celebration of love. This pair, however, looks strained. The bride appears very stern, even angry. The groom resembles a naughty kitten about to have his nose rubbed in a puddle. And why are they not rejoicing at their own wedding and sitting with such long faces?

 The Bodybuilder

“Girls come in all shapes,” but not quite like this. Yes, I appreciate athletic women, but this bodybuilder has clearly overdone it on protein and workouts. A bride should still embody tenderness and femininity, yet here’s a woman who could lift any groom with one arm and squash him with the other.

 Who Am I?

It feels like only after taking a sip of that delightful drink in her glass did she ask herself: who am I, and what am I doing here? Why am I wearing a wedding dress? She also looks as though she’s on the verge of tears. This is one case where the bride doesn’t seem happy.

Unknown Creature

I find it hard to imagine why someone would paint their face so elaborately on their own wedding day. But if she enjoys it and her groom doesn’t mind, then why not? After all, she might be a representative of some tribe where it’s customary to walk down the aisle painted like an Indian.


Here, everything is great with her figure, dress, manicure, and makeup, but the veil could scare anyone. With the veil down, she looks like she’s starring in a horror movie.Or as if she’s a ghost about to whisk the groom and wedding guests away. Creativity is wonderful, but weddings don’t tolerate excessive imagination.

So, these are the bride looks that, in my opinion, haven’t turned out so well.

Take care of yourselves and fall in love.

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