Fashion trends of the 2000s that today cause a smile or bewilderment even among those who followed them

 Fashion trends of the 2000s that today cause a smile or bewilderment even among those who followed them

Fashion can sometimes be shocking, especially after a few years. Today people don’t understand how it was possible to wear this or that thing in the early 2000s or do that make-up. Some readers will probably recognize themselves, and some may still have a couple of wardrobe items from the past, or at least photographs.

Bright blouses were worn over T-shirts.

The girls wore cropped leggings under dresses, skirts, and some even under T-shirts.

It was popular to tuck jeans into high boots.

Who would have thought to wear tops over white T-shirts

Wide belts under the breast were also a trend

On the street you could see girls who put on a skirt over tight trousers.

The same thing with dresses.

Surely you remember this trend with eyebrows.

Almost everyone had this bang no matter it fitted them or not.

The make-up also had its own peculiarities: the lipstick was lighter than the color of the skin.

The important attribute of the cosmetic bag of that time was blush. They were used to the maximum

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